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Friday, October 18, 2013

Ancient Culture Rocks

     The Ancient Culture has always been one of my favorite topics.  When I was younger, I liked to read the Percy Jackson series and was really into the series.  Those were my favorite books but then I liked sports books and moved away from Ancient Greek books.  Another thing that interests me is the Stone Age.  This interests me because to me it is fascinating how they got the idea of making tools out of stone.  That is not really a big deal now that we have diamond and iron things but back in that age stone was an amazing idea. Those are some of the things that I like about the Ancient Cultures.  So here is the question I have for you, think of an invention in the present day that you could make out of stone what would you have made back then.


  1. I also liked reading the Percy Jackson series. I think making tools out of materials would be hard because I'm not sure how you can get the stone to stick to whatever it's attached to without glue. To answer your question a stone tool could be a spear that people used to hunt with.

  2. Nick, check your link. It goes to a Google Drive page that requires permission to see.
