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Thursday, October 17, 2013

ancient times V.S. now!

                  You might think back then in the ancient times is easier then now, you’re wrong. In ancient times during 3150 BC the civilization were great due to the fact that they settled in the black land were there soil was rich because of the rainy days were the Nile river would flood  the grounds. There’s another place called the Red land, the worst of all.  The Red land is a red dirt dessert full of rocks and dirt was there’s barley any water. To grow plants and crops at the Red land would be impossible, like its fiscally impossible to grow crops there. The black land got its name because it has the blackest soil in the west because of all the rain and flooding going on in that area! And now you can just go walking down the street and plant a flower anywhere, where's grass,dirt and water. what period of time was easier now or back then?  

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on how our present civilization offers a better life than back in the ancient times! I think that the Red Land would be a horrible place to farm and it amazes me on how people live in the deserts even though the temperature is high! I do have a question though, is the Red Land super hot like the deserts you see in movies and shows? I admire the people who do farming with the climate outside so hot but it does look kind of fun. Thanks for blogging this
