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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Olympic junkie

Olympic junkie
           The Olympics
stated in the of 776 B.C there was only was only two games and today there are
56 games today winter and summer if you want to look at all the games then just click on this site (these are all the games from last year.)
http://www.olympic.org/sports and back then there was just summer. The most
popular sport in the Olympics today is basketball the most popular sport back
then was the only few sports they had. The least popular sport in the Olympics
today is badmitten.after a while if the sport is really unpopular then the will
discontinue the sport and will no longer be played, softball and baseball were discontinued.
Another reason they might discontinued a sport is if not enough teams will want
to come to participate.do you think the olimpics are better today or better in 766 B.C ?

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