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Friday, October 11, 2013

Eye for an Eye - Disturbing or Fair?

   From the time I was really little, I was really interested in ancient history. It's so cool, even now, to think back on how people used to act and dress and think back in ancient times, how things were discovered and even how the wheel was invented. The wheel, folks - that's how far history can trace back to. It's just sort of amazing that people leave clues from ancient history for us to find, even if they didn't do it on purpose.
   But one thing that bothers me is the whole Hammurabi's Code - an eye for an eye. It's an expression we've all heard but never really spent much time on, but now that I know more about it...ew. There just is no other word to describe it. Because while it's fair and most likely cuts down on violence in the ancient middle-schools and street fights and whatnot, it's also sort of disturbing. Because think - if I accidently took someone's eye out while I was farming (we know that it could happen, with my coordination) then my eye would have to go, too. Now you have two people who are injured and can't work as well as before until we adjust to living with one eye, and back without current-day medicines that could even be fatal - what if my eye (or lack thereof) got infected? What if that infection gave me some terrible disease and I DIED?
   So, anyways, what I'm trying to say is that despite the fascinating ways people could keep peace back in ancient times, and despite the cultured attitudes and behavior, some things weren't as fair as they seem at first glance. What do you think - is the 'eye for an eye' rule fair or just sort of awful?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I’m doing the EYE FOR AN EYE too! It’s very interesting. It’s fair in some ways but unfair in other ways. I completely agree with you when it comes to accidents, also it’s not fair how you have to have to have a lot of money or a great job to get away with crimes! It’s like if some people are above the law. NOT COOL AT ALL. Also like you said, the expression is gross too!

  3. I think that the code is pretty unfair because like you said, it's not good for one person's eye to be lost. So why have two eyes be gone.... What good would it do to the civilization. I guess it resolves some problems with payment but It leaves a payment that can not be re-payed.

  4. I think that this is a very unfair rule. Pretend someone had to get a body part removed, and a doctor had to remove it. IF he succeeds, he also needs to get that part removed off of his body. If someone accidentally hurt someone, the person had the get hurt, too. You should be able to punish a person differently, so that way it is fair and they understand if something is a accident. I wonder how that place would be if they made a different rule instead.
