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Saturday, October 12, 2013

You want this, I want that.

Once I was small, I was always interested how things long ago were so powerful, like how china created silk and other wealthy products to make a very rich place. Same thing happened Phoenicia. They sold snail shells to make very rich purple dye, which they sold it for high prices. They also had plenty of cedar woods for resources. Due to the trading among the seas, Phoenicia’s trading was very frequent. They sailed all over the place to trade goods with people they want goods from. I thought this was very interesting, because to me, economy is very cool that some places are so wealthy and have very good environments to live on.  It is so cool to learn about what they did at that time. It must be good to live in such conditions. I wonder what will happen if Phoenicia if they didn't have seas to do trading.


  1. Sorry. China is spelled with a capital "C".

  2. I agree. I think it is an interesting subject, the Silk Road and the Phoenicians. It must have been a frantic but exciting time, travelling across the land and the sea to show their wares to eager representatives of other countries. I think this was and excellent and prosperous time.
