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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Greek Gods good or evil, you decide.

I have always been interested in Greek Gods but they’re not the nicest people. Like the Greek God Hephaestus when he was born, Hera, his mother said this is the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen. So then she goes to the top of a mountain and throws the baby off a mountain now all of Hephaestus’s children are terrified of heights. Another example is the story of Artemis and Apollo, Zeus had cheated on Hera with a mortal and had Artemis and Apollo with this mortal. When Hera found out that Zeus had cheated on her with a mortal she was furious so she went straight to Artemis and Apollo’s mother and turned her into a cow. The last thing is the meanest thing to happen which is when Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades defeated the Titans and then Zeus and Poseidon sent Hades to the underworld. What do you think are the Greek Gods good or evil?


  1. I think that the Greek gods are evil to babies, but I don't think that they are evil for anybody eles.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What about the story of when the gods were born the father ate them so they wouldn’t overthrow him. But when Zeus was born the mom hid him so that he wouldn’t be eaten. So Zues grew up and fought the titan named Kronos then ripped out his brothers and sisters. Why are they mean?

  4. I think that it depends on the god and the time. Relating to what Dayton said it was good of Zeus to help his brothers and sisters but, it was kind of evil of him to make Hades stay in the underworld. So you can tell they have the potential to be good but make bad decisions like we do.

  5. I think that in mythology Greek gods are good. Rick Riordan portrays them in a bad light, as unforgiving, but in the actual myths they are more responsible, I guess, and they are serious about like, being good and doing what they're supposed to. And as AillyanaV. pointed out, though, sometimes the gods were cruel to each other, although they still help humans by bringing rain, sun, and crops and such.
    Which god/goddes do you think is the most helpful or good? Which do you think is least helpful/bad?

  6. I agree I think the Greek god were mean but the way they punish each other it is pretty interesting. If someone cheated on you don't you think you do something bad in return I know I would. I still think the Greek gods are interesting even for all the bad things they do to each other because when reading about them you want some excitement in it so it not boring.
