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Monday, October 14, 2013

Alphabet through the ages

 I find it really interesting that the Sumerians wrote so much and thought that writing was so important to them. They wrote everything down on soft clay from the river. Then when the clay dried all of the letters were permanently in there. Scribes were people with great respect because there were very few of them. (Not many people could read and write.)I also find it interesting how the  Phoenician had only 22 letters in there alphabet instead of our 26. In our textbook it also said that it was easier to learn the Phoenician alphabet then the Sumerian one and that the Phoenician alphabet    influenced the one we use today. What do you think of the alphabet history?


  1. I also find it interesting that the Phoenician language includes only 22 letters. I can see how the language is similar to our English alphabet, as some of the symbols are almost the same. For example, there is one symbol that looks like an O, one like a W, a T, a Y, and I.
    I also think it would be cool to be a scribe, like you said. Do you think it would be hard to learn all the symbols?

  2. I think it's really interesting that they only have 22 letters in the Phoenician alphabet. I also think its really cool that our English alphabet came from the ancient Phoenicians. I can see how the Phoenician's writing would be easier to learn, because it's almost the same as the English alphabet, its just shorter. Do you think the Phoenician alphabet or the English alphabet would be easier to learn? (If you didn't know either at first)
