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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ancient Cultures: Oh No You Don't, Vikings

I've always thought that ancient cultures and history have been fascinating. After all, I prefer them over geography for social studies. My favorite era is the Bronze Age, one of the most important times in history. After the discovery of bronze, much was learned, and society skyrocketed. But, there's one thing that I obsess over during that time period. People ALWAYS portray vikings with horned helmets. But they never erected horns or wings on their helmets. That only originated during the bronze age. But these vikings sure mean business! If you lived in the Bronze Age, would you try and contribute to society or just go with what everybody else was discovering?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What are a couple of examples of the society skyrocketing? I also agree to the fact that vikings never portrayed wings or horns because, I checked many books, and sites on the internet and all of them backed each other up and had many things said that people said lots of "true" things about vikings that aren't true at all.

    1. So, why do you think that people portrayed vikings in bronze helmets with wings or horns?

  3. I agree. After bronze was discovered lots of things happened. Did society really skyrocket? Do you think people imitate Vikings on purpose. I would try to contribute to society and NOT portray Vikings with helmets with horns. Also do you know why people portray vikings because it makes no sense? All they do is dress up in costumes with horns.
