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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ancient times genius's

The ancient times people made so many important discoveries, without them life would not be how it is today. It only takes one person to change life as we know it, like Thomas Edison www.thomasedison.com with the invention of the light bulb. the ancient's made many important discoveries such as learning how to use the rich soil to farm and grow crops. Another important discovery is the understanding of how to trade by land and water. The ancient people have made many lifveries echanging discoveries.. who will be the next person to make an important discovery?


  1. Who do you think is the person who had the most success with inventions? And who do you think had the biggest invention? I don’t who will be the next big person to have an invention but I think a good invention will be hover cars because one day I think we will run out of rubber and then we won’t be able to make tire for cars. Then we will somehow have to make a car somehow float off the ground and go fast. When they may make this invention I think this invention will change the world.

  2. I totally agree with you Logan! But what I will question is how did people think of such a great invention with barley any knowledge? What did these people have to build there inventions. An invention I think that was really cool that the ancient people made, was that they forged one of the earliest peace treaties on record! As you said, the ancient people did made so many important discoveries! Now, since you know about the ancient peoples and there invention, how do think they traveled?
