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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who's Your Mummy?

I think the ancient civilizations are awesome! Especially Egyptians. A Greek historian named Herodotus once wrote "Egypt is he gift of the Nile". He is often called "The father of history". Herodotus explored Egypt in the 400's B.C. On his journey, he saw the crystal waters of the great Nile. He concluded, after days of observations, there would be no Egypt without the Nile. The Nile river is the worlds longest river. It flows for more than 4,000 miles. That is about the distance from New York to Alaska. The Nile would flood from time to time. The silt it would leave would make the soil very fertile for farming. The Egyptians called this Black Land. Or in ancient Egyptian, Kemet. The Egyptians are very interesting and continue to amaze me. What do you like about Egyptians?

1 comment:

  1. I also really like the Egyptians! I love to see pictures and hear about some of the amazing treasures found inside burial tombs. I mean solid gold caskets and figurines how cool is that! What you said about the Nile is amazing! Just the fact that it is 4,000 miles long is enough information to blow some ones mind. Could you imagine swimming the entire Nile River, or even traveling in a boat for that distance? It is just amazing.
