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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Punishments In The Ancient Times

     Have you ever thought that life is hard for you sometimes? Well think again because compared to the Ancient Times our life is like heaven. Back in the olden days instead of quick executions there were more...brutal punishments. The first one I thought that was brutal was the boiling death which was when the victim was taken to a big deadly pot filled with boiling water and thrown into and trapped in till they die. The second one I thought that was cruel was disembowelment which was one of the creepiest of all! It was a type of death in which they would remove some or all of the victims vital organs. At least it wasn't as bad as the medieval times when instead of removing the organs they'd get starving animals like mice and the animal would eat the organs...which were long! Just imagine the pain.  The next one I mention may make you reconsider about crushing a bug next time because this method was when a large elephant would crush the victim or when they'd lay heavy rocks on the victim's chest till they died. Next, was a punishment called, burning. They literally burn you! If you ever gotten a burn and you thought it was super painful, think again. The last one...kind of makes you get chills down your back and that was sawing. Yes....SAWING! They would hang you upside down and cut you from your bottom all the way to the top and what was worse was that you were alive still during the process! Imagine the pain! These are some of the cruel executions in the Ancient times. What do you think about these kind of executions, is it fair or not?mbowelment





  1. This post reminds me of something that I would like to clear up. People in B.C. times people knew that the earth was round. In fact, one ancient scientist calculated the Earth's circumference in 200 B.C. Also, somewhat off topic but worth mentioning, Columbus was not saying the earth was round, everyone knew that. He was saying the earth was a lot smaller than Queen Isabella believed that is why he thought he could sail across the Atlantic to India. And one last thing, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to discover North America the vikings beat him by about 500 years. Would you ever have taken Columbus's job and sailed across an ocean even though you may not come back?

  2. That sounds so horrible!! I guess we really do have it easy, because it would be so HORRIBLE to be burnt or chopped up or have my organs eaten by animals. Very gruesome. I can't believe that people would do that! A person must have done something very horrible to deserve that, even though pretty much no one deserves that kind of punishment. Do you think someone would deserve that? Or is it too horrible?
