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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ancient Worlds: The Olympians

I have always been interested in the Greek Olympians. They are really interesting to me ever since I started to read the Percy Jackson series. For example it is cool how they had the Olympians portray regular people. How the Olympians had good sides and bad sides, and they had flaws just like regular people. The Greeks were very advanced. They had developed many things such as the alarm clock, a vending machine, the thermometer, the map, and the anchor. Can you believe it a vending machine! There are so many interesting myths they use. About the Greek gods father Kronos and all those myths that explain all the monsters and the different gods. The Greek Olympians are definitely very interesting. Do you think that the Greek Olympians made anything else that we use today?

1 comment:

  1. I think Greek Olympians using computers, TVs, x-box and electrical things, that we using today.
