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Monday, October 14, 2013

Eye for an eye, Bone for a bone...

“If a man has destroyed the eye of a man of the class of gentlemen, they shall destroy his eye. If he has broken a gentleman’s bone, they shall break his bone.” Even though this may be considered going overboard, it’s a good rule. There’s only one thing I think they should change. Hammurabi’s Code states that “The harshness of the punishment depended on how important the victim or the lawbreaker was.” I disagreed with this. The punishment should depend on the law that was broken. I also think people who accidentally break the law should have a less harsh punishment. This is what I think about Hammurabi’s Code. 

To Learn more, visit this site: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/hamcode.asp


  1. I agree with you! I don't think that they should have been punished by how important they were. They should have had a better system of punishing people and a better way of setting the law. The Hammurabi code is a weird thing, I don't like it at all. If you could change it what would u do differently?

  2. I agree too and I don't like it either it's soo unfair. They just place punishment with class of people. If I could change it i would change that rule. The code is a good idea it just needs modifacations. Plus it is way to extream. If you could make you own code what rules/laws would it have?

  3. I agree that the Hammurabi’s Code can go a little overboard! I think that it’s a good idea that they judge on the law they broke because they might break a big law, then get a big punishment, they might accidentally break a small law, and get a less harsh punishment. Is a better way to deal with things, than judging it on the person!Everybody should be treated with the same respect! If you could change something else in the code what would it be?
