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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Give an Eye for.... Another Eye?

An Eye for An Eye
Is it really fair?
            In 1792 BC Hammurabi ruled the Babylonia Empire. While he ruled, Hammurabi created a set of laws that were known as the Hammurabi Code. The code is also known by the title An Eye for An Eye for its first law states that "If a man destroys the eye of a man of the class of gentleman, they shall destroy his eye." This law sounds pretty fair, right? And also it states "If he has broken a gentleman's bone, they shall break his bone." But what about these next laws? They state "If he destroys the eye of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has destroyed the eye of a gentleman's slave, he shall pay half price. If a gentleman's slave strikes the cheek of a gentleman, they shall cut off his ear." Whoa there! Hold up! Doing punishment by class? Wow, back when Hammurabi ruled, your wealth, home, job, and royal ties, would determine how much you were "worth" and what laws you lived by and punishments you received. Is that truly fair? I don't think so, but just imagine, those are some of the laws people actually lived by and followed. How strange is that?  


  1. The Hammurabi Code is strange because the ideas behind it can be seen so differently.
    Some people think it's fair - the punishment you inflicted on others will be inflicted on you, which makes sense. But then there's the opposing opinions on how if someone accidentally, like, cut somebody's' ear while cutting up meat or something, then your ear is...poof. Gone. So now there are two people with no left ear, which isn't helping anyone. So there's always the question on who is right?
    What do you think?

  2. That really doesn't seem fair. They should really do like a court system. Instead of directly having the law, they should assess the situation then give the punishment. What if you accidentally broke a rule then you got your hand chopped off that just doesn't seem fair to me. If you were in charge of making the Hammurabi’s Code what would you do?

  3. The pirate comic was hilarious! Good choice and good post!
