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Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Astounding Stone Age

    I really enjoy Social Studies, but to be more specific I love Ancient History! I think one of the most interesting times in Ancient History was the Stone Age! I think it was very interesting how hominids, including early humans, would make tools from woods and animal bones! This Lasted for about hundreds and thousands of years. Archaeologists now divide the Stone Age into three periods. The Old Stone Age, Middle Stone Age and the new Stone Age! Also they discovered how to use fire! Nobody knows for sure how they learned, but archaeologists believe that hunters may have seen grass on fire caused by lightning on the open plain. Soon they learned how to keep the fire going. Afterwards they discovered how to light fires , by rubbing two sticks together. These are only some of the amazing inventions that happened during the Stone Age.  What do you like about the Stone Age?


  1. What I like about the stone is how they figured out how to make tools out of materials that they found. I also thought that if they didn't make these tools then we might not have had some of the tools we have today. I wonder what tools we wouldn't have if they didn't make any.

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  3. I agree! The stone age was really cool because of how they made tools out of woods and animals bones

  4. What i admire about the stone age is how they made tools out of random materials that they found.

  5. The Stone Age is also one of my favorite social studies topics! I think it’s really cool how they invented tools out of stone and discovered new things like fire. I also think that it’s Pretty amazing how they learned how to start a fire with sticks, I mean, how many people do you think can start a fire like that today?
