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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sweatshops in modern times

That shirt you’re wearing where did it come from? No i do not mean what store you bought it at, i mean where did the shirt come from? There is about an 80% chance that that shirt you are wearing was produced at a sweatshop. What is a sweatshop? Well according to the dictionary Sweatshop definition a sweatshop is a shop employing workers at low wages, for long hours, and under poor conditions... This sounds bad right? The conditions of these sweatshops are horrid. 22 million innocent children die each year due to poor conditions at sweatshops. That is more than the population of New York! The government of the countries  that these sweatshops are in are  trying to stop these factories by passing law that give an age limit to the people who work there, setting a minimum wage, and setting a maximum  number of hours people could work. However they still break these rules and get away with it. In the book i am reading The Boys Without Names, Gopal an 11 year old boy is forced to work in one of these sweatshops. Reading this book you feel so much emotion towards this. Maybe a little boy named Gopal never existed but many kids with the same stories are trapped in these dirty and scary place. Not knowing if they will have enough food or if they will ever get out of these places all these kids have is a hope. How do you think we can end this? 

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