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Monday, October 14, 2013

My Eye For An Eye Thoughts

Hammurabi's code isn't exactly an easy subject to touch on but I will do it anyway. Everybody is either like there is no way that's fair or yup that's fair. Anyway, think about it for a second if you stab someone's eye out someone is going to have the pleasure of taking out your's. Or if you accidentally bump into someone in the market and they trip and sprain their ankle someone is going to make you fall and sprain your ankle. I gave two examples because one is accidental and one is purposeful. Now, what I was trying to say is I don't think Hammurabi intended (or thought about) accidents. Because if you stab someone in the eye you go to jail if you accidentally bump someone you are not going to jail.

And I agree with Emma F. on if you hurt someone one and they hurt you back now you won't be able to do your job.What this means is now the whole country is at a loss of two basket makers or farmers or whatever even though it could have just been one (keep in mind this only applies to accidents). So now just because of a silly little accident the whole country is at a loss of supplies.

Finally, the last thing that I would like to say is that Hammurabi's code sometimes is and isn't fair it just depends. Anyway, those are my thoughts on Hammurabi's code. Fair or not?

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