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Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I am reading Now is a Time For Running and it is a story of a boy and his brother who's family was killed by soldiers because they "wrongly" voted in an election. From the author's descriptions I could tell that Zimbabwe wasn't there nicest place and that food was a major problem. I did a little research and learned that 1 of every three children are malnourished. Also, 5 million Zimbabweans rely on food aid and most of the food aid comes from charities like Save the Children. To add on to the problems many Zimbabweans struggle with diseases like AIDS, HIV, Malaria, and typhoid. I never realized how bad the situation in Zimbabwe was and I think the Deo (the main character in the book) and his brother have done a pretty good job taking care of themselves with all these horrible problems. What do you think should be done to help the situation in Zimbabwe?    

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