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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Facing courage

The book that iam currently reading is facing the lion. This story takes place in western Kenya, the main character is Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton. The main conflict of this story is that his moms best cow has been killed by a lion and now him and his brother are trying to find it and kill it. Killing a lion in his village means great respect from others. Him and his brother try to make sure that no other cows are killed. If I had to be in Lekuton's shoes I would probaly true to kill the lion to because he is trying to kill for respect, and to also make sure that lion kills no more cows. Do you think it is a smart choice to kill a lion or not?


  1. I think killing the lion is the right thing to do. The reason that I think this is the right thing is that it killed one of their own. The problem is if they kill the lion how will they know it"s the right one? Maybe they could cut it open and look for remains. The lion killed the boy"s mother because it's a meat eater and she was meat and he was hungry. I think they will kill the right lion though.

  2. I do think that it would be great to kill a lion, to have respect in the town, but it would also be very dangerous to have the courage to try to kill an animal that can kill you much easily. I think that they should try to kill the lion, but at the same time, it would be to scary. I think they are doing the right thing for trying to not have any of the others killed by a lion. after having their best cow die, it's pretty sad.
