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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Synonym for a hard life, Refugees

Life as a refugee is not easy. Remember that a refugee is much different than nomads. Nomads choose to leave there home, and are in groups. Deo , in “Nows the Time for Running”, was a Refugee. Deo, and his brother Innocent, are forced out of, Gutu, their hometown in Zimbabwe.  Refugees, are mostly forced out of their hometown because of the government or other political reasons. Refugees in Zimbabwe, are getting there statuses rejected from the DHA. Not much has changed, unfortunately, so they definitely need to work on that. This problem is putting a lot of stress on everybody, but most importantly the refugees. If I faced this situation I would be very frustrated,  and scared! Something that hasn't changed, is that everybody in Zimbabwe wants to go to South Africa. If You were in the refugees shoes what would you do?

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