The book I am reading is Along walk to water. This book takes place in Southern Sudan which lays right under the equator. Salva Dut is the main character in the book along walk to water. He was a child who was forced to go to school. Salva had lived without his family sense he was little, he came he came home from school one day to his family that ran away just like most other families due to government problems. He then had a long journey ahead of him hiking to a new home which ended up to be Rochester, New York. Salva wanted to see his family again and he heard that his dad got a disease which was caused by dirty drinking water. He then traveled back to South Sudan to see his father and due to his fathers disease he started filters to filter the water for kids there which a lot of people chipped in. If I were Salva I would want to help my hometown out for the kids and people that need it most. What would you do for people that need it more than you? Especially your home where you grew up?
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I would feel like I need to do more but the problem is I wouldn't know what to do. Being that young and doing such a selfless act is incredible. Sadly in are world today we do just what we want to benefit ourselves when there are really others that could use are help much more than we need it. Although, i'm not reading this book it sounds like one I would definitely want to. I found that there is an organization helping bring safe drinking to water to six south Sudanese villages. Their goal is to bring safe clean drinking water so that sicknesses like the one in your story won't happen anymore. Would you donate to help the cause?