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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Living A Life Without A Meaning

Salva Dut is going through a tough time is South Sudan where food is scarce and violence is active. He is forced to run away from school when gun shots are heard and is told to run to safety by a teacher. Salva is separated from his family and living with his uncle and he is living like nothing happened . But later Nya a young girl from South Sudan is introduced and she is part of the Nuer tribe, and Nya struggles each day to bring water to her family. She digs holes in the ground with her hands, and the water holes range from three feet deep to four feet deep. Later in the book Salva and his uncle are robbed by the Nuer tribe and Salva's uncle was tied to a tree and shot three time until he died. I could honestly not live a life without my parents. And Salva is living eating and enjoying time all on his own. I would get robbed and killed on my own. The most remarkable thing is that Salva still has the heart to continue to live after losing his family and seeing his uncle be shot to death. I would have reacted to this situation worse than Salva. Salva is much tougher than me and he has a lot more emotional endurance than most people. Salva is a tough kid and the farther in the book I get the more of a roll model Salva is to me.

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