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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Zimbabwe Today

Zimbabwe is a country that is still in turmoil today. After experiencing hyperinflation, fraudulent elections, famines and hardships unimaginable in modern times, they are still in turmoil and still experiencing some of these terrible things, but they are on the route to recovery.  No longer will Deo need his billion dollar ball; Zimbabwe has adopted the American dollar. Unfortunately Zimbabwe still has a long way to go before they are back to normal. It is believed that recent election of 2013 was a fake and Zimbabwe is believed to be on the brink of another famine.  If I was Deo living today in Zimbabwe or when he lived there, I do not think I would have the courage or bravery he had to just face the task of living every day let alone the tasks he accomplished. What do you think: if you were Deo would you have been able to act as smartly and bravely as he did?

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