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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Child labor in Pakistan

I'm reading Iqbal which means this post is about child labor in Pakistan. Since the time this book took place there have been some changes. The constitution there prohibits all slavery,forced labor, and child labor. They also has passed a Human Rights act to increase that availability of an education to children ages 5 to 16. There is also more humane place now to work. if you were in the Pakistani government what would you do to prevent child labor?

1 comment:

  1. I am also reading Iqbal. I think that the Pakistan government should do more to get kids in school and keep kids in school. If the kids stay in school then they will likely be able to get better paying jobs and have a more stable and suitable life. When there are more educated people there will probably a better economy which could help decrease the amount of sweatshops.
