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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Keep On Running

The novel I am reading is Boys Without Names by Kashmira Sheth. An eleven year old named Gopal is in the big city, Mumbai and wants to find work. In his desperation for work, he is kidnapped and sold to the strict boss of a sweatshop. Unfortunately, this isn't the only story of children being forced to work in sweatshops. It is disturbing to find that kids are still being used for such reasons, in 2007, a sweatshop was raided and children young as 10 years were found working on clothing destined for Gap Kids. Although Gap did not know about the child labor behind the clothing, the kids were working in such harsh conditions. A child 12 years old said "It was so tiring, I felt sick". I don't think it is right for anyone to be put through these conditions, work day and night on clothing, at any age. I feel it is cruel to commit such a crime, it is inhumane. I believe that even if the economy is profiting from child labor in India, there should be a stop to sweatshops. What is your opinion on this situation?

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