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Friday, October 18, 2013

An Eye for an Eye, Is it Fair?

The thing I found most interesting in Chapter 2 was Hammurabi's Code. I liked it because I thought it was a pretty good moral for everyone to follow. I say that because if someone hurts or kills someone else, they get the same punishment against themselves. The only problem I have with it, is that the population might go down because of all the killing and injuring if people do choose to hurt another person. Hammurabi's Code was written onto a stone pillar. I had 282 laws on it! What do you you guys think about Hammurabi's Code? Is it fair, or not?


  1. At some parts I don't think its fair. Getting the same thing back, yes it is very fair. But if the population will go down, I don't think its okay. Maybe doing other punishes like being in jail would be better?

  2. In a way, it isn't fair. Two wrongs as they say don't make a right. I mean. you should get a punishment for a wrong doing, but if you kill a person, it a doesn't make it all right for that person to be killed. Maybe something less severe, like time in jail, or something at least that isn't so severe.
