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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Being a Biggot is a right, but is it right?

Ultimately Sterling has the right to his beliefs, but it is a sensitive subject.  We have come very far as a nation to learn to tolerate difference among races.  We are all free to say what we want to say because we live in the United States.  We have freedoms that many other countries do not.  His desire to not have his girlfriend hang around black people is his wish, and it is his right to think that way, but it certainly is disrespectful to our fellow man.  That is what  is so upsetting about this whole issue. He thinks and feels this way while he owns the team and makes money off of the players who many of them happen to be black. In addition to fining him, maybe the players can refuse to play if they are so upset.  Fans could also refuse to attend the games until he resigns.  I also think that Alves was brilliant in eating the banana, because it showed the fan how childish and stupid he was with his behavior. What would you have done if you were the target of such outrage?

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