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Thursday, May 1, 2014

LA Clippers

In the case of the LA Clippers, it is time to forget. Donald Sterling said some racists remarks to his girlfriend during a fight over bringing other men to his basketball games. I think that he was caught up in the moment and angry and said things that maybe he meant maybe he didn't. Either way he did a bad thing and is being punished for it. He isn't allowed to do anything involving the Clippers and is being fined 2.5 million dollars, along with getting divorced, breaking up with his girlfriend, and everyone hating him for his harsh comments. So I think that the Clippers should move on because 1; the comments weren't aimed at them and 2; the players will still be able to preform no matter who owns the team.  That's my opinion about the Clippers scandal, what do you think about it?

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