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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Has the world gone crazy!! I thought racist "jokes" ended!!!!

For my opinion on this whole NBA business I think that nobody should be boycotted! The decision they made for Sterling was right! I believe this because if someone is to say anything so abhorred in public about blacks is absolutely not OK!! The U.S.A was made for everyone to be treated the same and fairly. Okay, okay many years ago segregation was going on, but that DOES NOT  mean that we still  treat blacks the same as we did in the 1950s ! I can also see that the fans and player are probably pretty upset, but go as far as boycotting really??? 2.5 million dollars. That is the fine that Sterling has to pay, and I think this is very reasonable because I am totally against racist!  The world is getting crazier and crazier by the minute. What is your opinion about being racist in public?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Natalie, I think not only being racist in public is wrong, but to be racist anytime, anywhere is a horrible thing to do. I also think that them suspending him for life was also a good decision. If the fans boycotted the game, they’d loose enough money to loose Sterling’s money so either way it makes him look bad. When he told his girlfriend, who is also African American that she isn’t allowed to take pictures or go to games with the black players even though only two aren’t black was just rude of him and he shouldn’t have said that out loud for the world to hear.

  3. I believed that racism in public should not be tolerated at all and should have some serious consequences. Disappointingly, right now the most serious punishment you can get for this- as long as it not endangering other people is a reprimand and a small fine. Unfortunately Sterling will not even face police involvement because it was not in public (over the phone) and it although very insulting did not truly endanger anyone. That is just my thoughts but unless the authority's come up with a set punishment this will be repeated again. What do you think the punishment should be?
