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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Racist Remarks

I think Donald Sterlings racist remarks are TERRIBLE!!! I think banning sterling and fining him 2.5 million dollars is totally reasonable. I personally think that he deserves to be punished for what he has done and if i were on the team i would be glad he was no longer the owner of my team! If I was a fan of the clippers basketball team i would not be happy with Sterlings remarks.  "Blacks are the enemy" is one thing that Sterling said and it is just flat out not ok! I don't know if Sterling is a bad person, to be honest I've never even heard of him until this whole issue but if this is how Donald Sterling really is I'm kinda glad I didn't.


  1. I totally agree with you Morgan. Racist remarks are just wrong!!! Also I'm glad I never met him either. I just found out about him in this viral topic. He is a racist bum, and racism needs to go. I did more reading on this whole discussion and found out his girlfriend is half Latino and African American. Weird right? Donald didn't even know. This may be off topic, but did you know Donald has a wife and a girlfriend! What's with this man!?!?!

  2. Donald Sterling never said "blacks are the enemy!" He asked his girlfriend to not publicly show she is an accepting person (to sum it up). Yes, racism is wrong, but if it is a private conversation between Donald and his girlfriend then it's their business. Honestly, if Donald weren't rich no one would care. Horrible people exist, so the only thing anyone can do is just be kind and learn to be better than bad people.
