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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Think Like a Panda...Sterling Sure Doesn't When it Comes to Race

      Racism is just wrong! I think that Donald Sterling got what he deserved. I think that Donald Sterling should sell his team to someone but as we all know, Donald Sterling never sells something that he doesn't believe he'll keep for a lifetime.  But if he doesn't sell it I think that would be unfair to the Clippers because just because he was banned for life doesn't mean that this should apply to the Clippers since they don't really deserve that.  I think that they shouldn't let him attend anymore sport events and take away his team forever because who wants a mean racist bully at their game.  To add to his racist bully behavior, in the past Donald was also shown to be racist guy by kicking out all the Koreans in his apartment building in Korea town, L.A.  I think that boycotting wouldn't be the right move because even though it won't show support for Sterling, it may also show no support for the team and I don't think the team deserves that. I think that Sterling should learn from a panda. What do you think abut this situation?


  1. First off Monique Donald Sterling did not throw a banana that was a fan at one of the soccer games. Donald Sterling made a racist remark about African Americans and saying they should not come to the games. So just saying Monique you should change that real quickly. And the NBA cannot buy the Clippers because Donald already owns it someone is going to buy them so they are probably force him to sell the team and still ban him.

  2. Thank you Dayton, I just noticed they were two whole different stories. ^^"

  3. I definitely agree with you, Sterling has a lot of advice to take from pandas. He has also done more than what just happened. Like you said, he once refused to rent out an apartment building to any non-Koreans in Koreatown. He also didn't want any African Americans to rent in Beverly Hills. He seems just plain mean, and extremely racist. I think that his punishment is good, but sadly nothing can prevent him from saying more racist things.
