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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's Adventure Time!

   Are any of you guys a Pokemon lover like me?  If you are, than you should visit Luang Prabang which is located in Laos. If you know your Pokemon facts well you'll be able to know that if you add a the letter "t" and "i" in between the "a" and "o" it'll become Latios. Before I go any farther into details let me make a writing goal today. Today, I would like to expand my writing by putting in some more juicy words, in other words I'd like to find some synonyms for those plain old boring words! Now, let's get started! Laung Prabang is the place I want to visit the most because there are so many sensational places there and monks! The two most spectacular places that I thought were just pure magical were, Kuang Si Butterfly Park and Kuang Si Falls.  One of the reason why I extremely want to visit Kuang Si Butterfly Park is because they have free natural fish spas! If you think that's good than just wait till you hear this, they supposedly have some mouthwatering coffee! I want to visit Kuang Si Falls because they have oodles of leeches and I've always wanted to see leeches in real life, but beware to not go into the water unless you want all your blood to be sucked up. If you had to choose one of these places to visit which one would it be?

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