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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sunset at the Temples

On the banks of the Ayeyarwady river lies the ancient Buddhist temples in Myanmar. This ancient place used to be the center of all life in the Kingdom of Pagan. This magnificent kingdom united what would be all of Myanmar with the Buddhist word. Over 10,000 temples were built there and the kingdom soon flourished with monks and religious scholars. People from as far as India came to the temples not only to learn of Buddha but to study grammar, astrology, alchemy, medicine, and law. In the late 13th century the Kingdom of Pagan was invaded by the Mongols, destroying many of the fascinating temples. Today only about 2,000 temples stand, but the scenery makes for one of the world's most amazing sunsets. Wouldn't you like to visit these temples in Myanmar? I would like to make my writing more vivid by adding different adjectives that give a clearer picture. I then used magnificent, amazing, and fascinating to describe the kingdom,temples, and the sunset.

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