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Thursday, April 3, 2014

2nds Please!

I may have recently become vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I don't adore food! Sadly, Penang, what is known as the food capitol of Malaysia, is serving up a wide variety of dishes; and being a city close to water, most involve seafood. However, there are variations of these popular dishes of Penang that do not involve meat. One dish called laska has a tremendous assortment of different recipes that can be similar or have totally different flavors! In Penang, laksa is traditionally a spicy and sour fish based noodle soup that from what I have read online, looks like a dish not to be missed. I may have to make some over spring break! Another dish that sounds delectable is pasembur which is kind of like a fried salad that consists of shredded veggies fried seafood (or fried tofu and veggies) mixed with a sauce made with a peanut base. I would love to visit Penang one day; and I could go on and on about the tempting delights of  Penang, but I'll let you discover for yourself the many sublime dishes Malaysia has to offer that will hopefully have you asking for seconds. So... what have you cooked this spring break?

*I have decided that I would like to be a bit more adventurous with my word choice. I underlined the words I put in place of bland ones that I was originally thinking of using.  Thank you for reading my post :)

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