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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Empires, Temples, and Views, *George Takei*!

A place often unheard of in most normal conversations is Cambodia. However, this country has some awesome locations such as the Angkor Archaeological Park and the Phnum Aoral which are mountains that are 1,810 meters (or approximately 1.1 miles for us Americans). Sadly, the Phnum Aoral is far below the height of Mount Everest which is 8,848 meters (about 5.5 miles, again for us Americans. I'm sure everyone will catch up soon!) However, you can NOT deny that the Angkor Archaeological Park is not an amazing view, even for a computer screen! What is the most amazing view of any location you have seen?

1 comment:

  1. Good info, but you forgot the writing part from the directions.
