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Thursday, May 1, 2014


Donald Sterling was wrong to be racist! I mean like Donald Sterling can be as racist as he wants but he should of kept his racist comments to himself. Having those racist comments go viral was the biggest mistake. The thing is how does it sound when your favorite team is controlled by a racist person. If I was a player on the LA Clippers I probably would not want to play under Donald Sterling's commands. I think that the NBA made a great decision banning Donald Sterling from the league. Do you think the NBA made a good decision?


  1. I also think racist comments are extremely rude and nobody should be racist. Nobody is born racist! I heard he was saying a woman shouldn't bring a black man to a clippers game. The black man was Magic Johnson from MSU and if I was Magic I would so mad. I saw Magic at the mac the other day and I would never go in the real world if someone made fun of you like that. Would you be mad if someone was racist to you?

  2. Wow, this is an amazing post! Freedom of speech is very important; people can say what they want. The problem of what Sterling said was that his remarks were very racist! I heard the recording and what he said was awful, once it was put online, his life went down with a bunch of people who were mad at him! The sad thing is that Sterling in a billionaire but the fine is a small price to pay for being so racist. To answer your question, I agree with the NBA’s decision of banning him from games, which should teach him.
