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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bangladesh Food? Sounds Good to Me!

Just thinking about food from Bangladesh makes my mouth water. Bangladesh cuisine is mainly based off of many spices. The main staple foods of Bangladesh are fish (which I love), and rice(which I also like). If your trying to get stubborn people to eat some vegetables, then you should give them Bangladesh style vegetables. They fry the vegetables and put many delicious spices on them. In more popular foods, there is beef, curries, and chicken. One food that sounds very appealing to me is chai tea. It is a kind of tea that has a milky tea with a sweet flavor. Does this drink appeal to you?


  1. I think it sounds good, kind of like Thai tea that I tried before, which is delicious. Bangladesh food has a huge variety. Their dishes vary from 40 different types of fishes, the fish is Bangladesh's specialty. Achar, which involve Pickles, generally flavored with Mustard oil, Mustard Seeds, Aniseed, Caraway Seed and Asafoetida, or hing is a famous dish. Bhapa Pitha is also a very tasty desert. It is like a giant cake with rice and all sorts of sweets in it. This also sounds really good. What is your favorite dish?

  2. I think the tea is fine. However Thai Tea is tea with no milk. I prefer Milk Tea, in which its black tea plus milk. Many cultures not just from Bangladesh fry their vegetables. Here in the US its common place, everything is fried -_-. But even in other countries like Taiwan it can be seen on the street markets. However I wonder, wouldn't food like beef and chicken be too expensive? In most places meat is a delicacy while we take it for granted. Do you think we take meat for granted?
