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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bhutanese Cuisine? YES

As you know, every country has its own specialties, for foods I mean. In Bhutan, the specialty is  dairy products, or (to be more specific) butter and cheese from cows or yaks. I've never had yak cheese, but I would try it! A lot of meat such as chicken, mutton, yak meat, pork, beef, goat, and fish. They are usually consumed in the form of tshoem, or stew, along with a variety of spices. All meals in a Bhutanese cuisine are always accompanied with white rice, or ha chum (as said in Bhutan). Almost all dishes there have (or are served with) Chillies! The chillies there are supposed to be very spicy, and they truly value the chili as a very important vegetable, not just a seasoning. If you went to Bhutan, would you try the food there?

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