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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Cricket is one of the most popular sports in India. Cricket spread at a great speed throughout Africa and Asia, thanks to the British empire. have played cricket before and think it is very fun. The game is a little bit complicated. There are six wickets in all which are little wooden poles hammered into the ground, three behind the batter and three behind the 'pitcher' in American terms. The pitcher throws the ball, the batter obviously tries to hit it and runs in between the sets of wickets till someone gets him out. Every time the batter get to the wicket it is a point and he is up to bat again. Cricket games last for hours and hours. Cricket is in fact the most popular sport in India, however, it is not the national sport. Would you like to give cricket a try?

1 comment:

  1. Cricket sounds like an interesting sport that I might want to try someday but right now I would like to focus on lax and hockey. If I were to try to learn how much time would it take? What piston are There besides batter? What kind of field would you play cricket on and how many people would you need, do other people besides Indians play it? this sounds like and interesting sport but i don't think i have the time to play.
