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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dundi Biyo!!!!!!!!!!!

                       The games children in Nepal for fun are interesting. A game I found really cool was Dundi Biyo, a game played with sticks, ironically they call it game of sticks. A game children often play to spend time with family and friends. These are the instructions; the person who starts the game off throws a stick in a hole with the main stick. Then, other players would run and try to catch the small stick ( with their bare hands) without dropping it on the ground. If the stick is caught then the first payer is out! If the stick isn't caught, the first player is still in the game. Almost like hunger games except you don't die! Although this game is very dangerous and must be played on an open field, it seems very fun and like a way to meet new friends.


  1. This game sounds really dangerous to me. I agree that it sounds fun, but there are plenty of other fun games that aren't as dangerous as this one. Maybe they should make safety precautions so it’s more fun and less dangerous. I would defiantly be more willing to play a different version of this game, it seems really interesting and fun. I read online that some people argue that this game is Nepal’s National game. It’s not in paper, but it seems a lot of people think this.

  2. This game seems very interesting. I would love to play it, but I agree with Kayla it does seem very dangerous. This game reminds me of Football even though this game has nothing to do with football it made me think of it because of the throwing in it. I think it is very strange how they use a stick! I researched and found a game called "Cricket" this game is like baseball, but is a lot more safe! These two games would be a lot of fun to try out!
