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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Strange foods in Asia

Asia has all kinds of different foods. Some foods in Asia I find crazy are spiders, cockroaches, grasshoppers, silk worms, raw herring, bull testicles, and many other exotic foods. Most of these foods are really common in other countries, but to us they're crazy. A few of those foods can only be found on those parts of the world because they are so strange or to difficult to get. I found that in certain parts of Asia they eat m any different types of food at a time, but very small servings of each food. I find it crazy that they eat so many crazy foods and they're like a everyday meal in Asia. Would you try any of those foods listed above?


  1. The foods that I would try would probably be the insects that you listed. I don't think I could put bull testicles in my mouth and swallow them. I would probably either throw them up or spit them out. I think it's hard to believe that people would eat food like that. I would never eat bull testicles even if I was starving really bad. I wonder if any of these crazy meals have been eaten by really hungry people.

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  3. The weirdest things I've ever eaten were a scorpion and a raw eel. Both were tasted exactly how i thought they would however they weren't terrible. People think its weird how people in some countries they eat things such as zebra or camels. We eat cows, chicken, pigs, ect. I believe meat is meat but eating things like the testicles or tongue of an animal is a bit out there.
