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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yummy Yummy in my Tummy...or not

 When you're hungry isn't your brain just full of images of food. Well, I just found a dish called Chicken Pilau which is from Pakistan, India. The reason why I want to try this dish is because by looking at all the information about it online, not only does it seem delicious but it contains some of my most favorite stuff inside like chicken and onions. It seems good so far right, but wait I'm not done here's one more fact; it contains lots of veggies and greens! Yep, you heard me right not only is it super yummy, it's also extremely healthy. Sadly they don't serve Chicken Pilau here in our school's cafeteria, local McDonald,  and Burger King. The list could go on forever and forever on where we can't find this supposedly delicious dish, but in Pakistan,India it seems to be everywhere! Now, I'm guessing I just made you hungry if you hadn't had some food yet, but after my next food choice you won't be, trust me. This next dish that I chose is something that I would never eat. I'd rather eat worms. yep worms. This dish is dog's meat, as in actually killing a dog and taking out their meat to cook and then sell. In India, many people eat dog meat the same way we would eat chicken. It's suppose to taste like chicken but with a distinct flavor. On the dish, they also put a dog's tail as a garnish. If you ever go to India to eat dog meat you can count me out, but if  you're planning to eat Chicken Pilau count me in! If you had to choose, would you rather eat dog meat or worms/ Have any of you ever had Chicken Pilau before, if you had what does it taste like?

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