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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

India the Homeland of the Lamb Big Mac

India is a land of diversity; from ancient religions, spicy dishes, to the home of the Lamb Big Mac. India encompasses a region of different cultures and lifestyles.  You may wonder why a Lamb Big Mac? This is because in India their main religion is Hindu, which specifically states that cows and pigs are holy animals and are not to be eaten.  McDonald's has even gone so far as to not include beef or pork on their menu, replacing many favorites such as the Big Mac with lamb, and now recently chicken.  What do you think: If you were ever in India, would you try a Lamb Big Mac? I know I would.


  1. I have to say, I never knew that the pig and cow were holy animals, but the fact that McDonalds is supporting this is nerve wracking! We all know that McDonalds isn’t very healthy, but being supportive in this is a big step! I might even try it for myself. As sloppy as the sandwich may be. I may have more respect McDonalds after reading this article. I can’t believe that McDonalds is respecting the Hindu religion. Here is an article everyone can look at.http://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/dec/28/globalisation.lukeharding

  2. I would totally try the Indian Big Mac with lamb in it! I think that would probably be more healthy than the Big Mac we know from McDonald's, and better tasting (In my opinion)! I really like the idea of trying more Indian food, but what worries me is that it's made on the side of the street, which could be not very sanitary. Besides that, I think the Indian lamb Big Mac and other Indian foods seem very tasty.
