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Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog Episode VI: 100 is 25 More Than 75...Do the Math!

TWO ISSUES TO CLEAN UP: One, it should go without saying now that spelling errors are not acceptable (Use spell check!). A score of 1/10 means you had at least one spelling error; fix and re-post for a better score. And two, the same is true for work that is not authentic...not yours. Cut/copy and paste is plagiarizing. A 2/10 means you have plagiarized someone's work. Be authentic. 

This time, POSTS must show that you have looked back through the blog for a post on Africa that covered something you were interested in learning more about. Choose a post from February. You must give the author's name and provide a direct link to the post, like in this example: "I noticed in Mr. Hopper's recent post that a scene in Star Wars was filmed in Africa. That really interested me because..." Dig deeper now. Find out more and share what you can learn. (4 points) Your post must contain 100+ words and a *hyperlink and/or video (the link to the other student's post does not count (2 points) and end with a question (1 point)So how do you earn 10 points? Easy: with TRANSITIONS! You need to PROPERLY use at least three in this writing. They must be underlined, and you cannot use the same ones for credit more than once. (1 point apiece, up to 3) Here is another instructional page on transition words. *Alert. Wikipedia links are not acceptable. Find a news article, a video, a topical cartoon/comic...something that will draw the interest of your readers. 

COMMENTS: You must be the first or second comment made to a post and it must now be 75+ words(5 points), and once again it should clearly show that you have looked up information from the post and added it as part of your response (5 points).

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