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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Drones Protecting Animals in Africa

So, poaching in Africa has been a huge problem lately, as stated in Logan's article about the issue. That's why they're developing drones to protect the animals. They are unmanned, but animal conservation people can sit behind a computer and see what the drone is seeing. The main things the drones are trying to protect are Rhinos, however they have now also swapped over to protecting giraffes. Kenya has lost 50 rhinos and about 20 giraffes alone in 2013. That is a big problem and needs to stop, because it is decreasing the overall population of rhinos and giraffes. The department that is making and funding the drones is having trouble a little bit. The drones are losing communication with the operation building where they are watching what the drones see from the computer. That's causing them to not be able to see if anyone is poaching. What so you think about the drones protecting the animals from the poachers?

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